Monday, May 10, 2010

coming across those delightful little kernals..

ever read old journal entries, notes to friends, or blog entries? for me its often an orienting experience: helps me better see where i've come from & where i'm being led. i did some of that tonight, as i try to make some decisions about my future, and came across something i wrote two months ago as an offhand reflection that really struck me tonight:

"...and the simple yet profound thought of the day is that communion with God gives us the ability to be intimate with many; we do not cling tightly to self when a fountain of abundant life flows within us & pours out in waves & cascades. it causes us to be able to love all those around us in a way that is true, deep, connected. it is the reason we can call the saints our friends & advocates and truly believe that they are - because the have the ability, even after death, to love so many, so freely & intimately."